Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brothers in Arms

When we were kids we fought eachother
When we were teens we fought our fathers
Now as adults we fight standing side by side
Though you stand tall fighting overseas
I remain strong on the homefront with family
We are brothers bound by far more than blood
For I am always right beside you in your travels
As i trust you are with me in mine
We defend the same country
The same innocence
The same freedom
Nomatter what field we battle on
We fight a battle our forefathers once fought
For all the right reasons
To prevent and overthrow treason

When we were kids it was pretend
When we were teens reality set in
Now as adults we see the world
For all it truly is
For all that it once was
For all that it should be
The morning those towers fell
Thousands of tons of plummeting steel
We watched
Thankful for our family
We realize family is most important
That we would do anything to protect them
Anything to save their lives

As kids we were brothers
As teens we grew became more than that
As adults you are not merely my brother
But you are my best friend
Everyday you carry that rifle
I will grow more and more proud of you
As for everyday the love for this world i carry inside me grows
I pray that you too can maybe be proud of me
While you defend our country
I will defend our family
So that when you come home
We will have something left to defend together..

Dedicated to My big brother....Seargent Michael Charles Klipp.. Who is serving in the Army Infantry to defend all that we hold dear in Iraq. 

Love you bro, come home safe